The jurists’ war Gallery

The documents presented below are linked to the articles accessible here.

Both inside and outside law schools, legal scholars took up the issue of war. Legal doctrine considered it in particular from the point of view of international relations and law and the implications of war damage. Some of the law professors were also carrying the voice of their country beyond its borders to establish a new front, that of law against force, and to rally other jurists to their cause.



The inclusion of jurists in international power relations





Participation of jurists in the propaganda effort







The question of war damage

The question of compensation for war damage arose in the various nations affected by the conflict. In France, on December 22nd 1914, the government, led by Viviani, made a commitment before the Assemblée Nationale [French House of Representatives] to compensate for damage to property caused by the war. Law professors became involved in the debate and the development of this field of law.