

Clément Aubisse

Clément Aubisse is a PhD student in history of law at the University of Bordeaux. In his thesis, he studies prefectoral activity in the département of Dordogne during World War II. He focuses more broadly on the history of French administration, as well as of political ideas.

Frédéric Audren

Frédéric Audren is a research director at the Centre d’études européennes of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) [French resarch center] and a professeur at Sciences Po’s school of law. He currently is a visiting lecturer at the Université Libre of Brussels. He published numerous works on history of law and legal science. Consult his personal page.

Pierre-Nicolas Barenot

Pierre-Nicolas Barenot is a lecturer in history of law at the Jean-Monnet University of Saint-Etienne and a member of the CerCrid (UMR 5137) [research department of the CNRS based at Saint-Etienne and Lyon].

Recent Publications

  • « De quelle pensée juridique faisons-nous l’histoire ? Réflexions autour de quelques données bibliométriques », Clio@Thémis, n° 14, 2018.
  • « Ferdinand Larnaude, Les sciences juridiques et politiques. La science française », Revue trimestrielle de droit civil, 2017, p. 928.
  • « L’alphabet du droit : la lexicographie juridique et le profane », dans L. Guerlain et N. Hakim (dir.), Les littératures populaires du droit, under print.
  • « Plagiat ou Science ? : L’affaire du répertoire de Guyot », Revue d’histoire des facultés de droit, de la culture juridique, du monde des juristes et du livre juridique, to be published.

Emilie Barthet

Emilie Barthet is a general curator of libraries. Director of the common Service of Documentation of the University of Burgundy from January 2020 to December 2023, she had the opportuny in the context of the university’s 300th anniversary to take an interest in the history of the university libraries of Dijon.

Marie Bassano

Marie Bassano is a professor of history of law at Toulouse Capitole University. Amongst her research topics, she studies history of legal education (personal page).

Kevin Brémond

Kevin Brémond is a PhD student in history of law at the University of Bordeaux. As part of his thesis, he studies the image of law faculties in national daily press during the Third Republic. His work regards more broadly the perception of legal phenomenons by non-jurists and the building of a popular legal culture.

Anne-Sophie Chambost

A.-S. Chambost, university professor, Jean-Monnet University of Saint-Etienne, member of the CerCrid (Science, Innovation and Democracy team). Legal historian, I focus on the history of legal thought (xixthxxth century) through the scope of the diffusion and circulation of legal knowledge, as well as of the relations between law and political thought. Consult her personal page.

Last publications

  • « Un aspect de la mobilisation des esprits dans le combat du droit. La répression des pacifistes et des antimilitaristes pendant la Grande Guerre », dans D. Deroussin (dir.), La Grande Guerre et son droit, Paris, Lextenso – LGDJ, 2018.
  • « Guerre du droit, droit de la guerre. La faculté de droit de Paris, observatoire de l’enseignement supérieur en guerre », article rédigé avec A. Gottely, Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines, n° 33 (Après 1918. Reconfigurations des savoirs en sciences humaines et sociales), to be published.

Fatiha Cherfouh-Baïch

Fatiha Cherfouh-Baïch is a lecturer in law at the Paris-Descartes University. Her work essentially focuses on the history of legal though and doctrine during the contemporary period. She mainly specialises on the question of jurists’ neutrality during wartime or peaceful periods.

Some bibliographic element

  • « L’histoire pour les juristes en 1914-1918 : havre de paix ou arme de guerre ? », dans D. Deroussin (dir.), La Grande Guerre et son droit, Paris, LGDJ, 2017, p. 35-48.
  • Le juriste entre science et politique : la Revue générale du droit, de la législation et de la jurisprudence en France et à l’étranger (1877-1938), Paris, LGDJ, 2017.
  • « La neutralité du discours des juristes face à l’Allemagne durant la Première Guerre mondiale », dans S. Mazauric (dir.), Les savants, la guerre, la paix, Éditions du CTHS, 2013, electronic version, p. 68-80. Consult document.

Jérôme De Brouwer

Jérôme De Brouwer is a historian and a jurist. Professor at the law and criminology faculty of the Université Libre of Brussels, he manages the center of legal history and legal anthropology and teaches history of law and institutions as well as history of criminal justice. His work mainly focuses on the history of law and criminal practice, the history of legal professions and the history of the legal world’s representations during the contemporary period.

Philippe Delvit

Philippe Delvit is a university professor (Toulouse Capitole University). He is distinctly in charge of the direction of the archives Mission. Amongst his research sectors, he focuses on the two World Wars regarding drafting, resources and society as a whole. He is also interested in wars’ multiple impacts on law, a law which is not that of peaceful times anymore.

Annie Deperchin

Annie Deperchin is a researcher affiliated with the Centre d’Histoire judiciaire (UMR 8025), University of Lille, International center of research on World War.

Olivier Devaux

Olivier Devaux, professor of history of law and of institutions at Toulouse-1-Capitole University.

Principal lines of research

  • history of teaching ;
  • history of political ideas (xviiithxixth century) ; history of judicial institutions.

Publications regarding the theme of the virtual exposition on the First World War

Two works with Florent Garnier :

  • Ceux de la faculté : des juristes toulousains dans la Grande Guerre, coll. « Étude d’histoire du droit et des idées politiques », n° 24, Toulouse, Presses de l’université Toulouse-1-Capitole, 2017, 572 p.
  • Mémoire de la Grande Guerre. La fabrique du Livre d’or de la faculté de droit de Toulouse, Presses de l’université Toulouse-1-Capitole, 2018, 229 p.

Catherine Fillon

History of law professor, Jean-Moulin University of Lyon (3).
In charge of the SIPROJURIS databas (Information System for law professors, 1804-1950), she published « De la chaire aux canons- Les engagements combattants des enseignants des Facultés de droit pendant la Grande Guerre » in 2015 in the Revue d’histoire des facultés de droit et de la culture juridique. She is the curator of the exhibition regarding the Lyon law faculty during the Great War, De la guerre du droit à la paix par le droit ? which will take place in Lyon, at the University Library de la Manufacture des Tabacs, from january 18 to february 18 2019.

Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone

Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone is a PhD student in history of law at the Montesquieu research institute of the University of Bordeaux. There, he realizes a thesis on the notion of criminal insertion during the xixth and xxth century, under professor Nader Hakim’s (University of Bordeaux) and Marie Manikis’ (McGill University) directions. His work essentially centers around the theory of criminal law in its historical perspectives, but also on acts of language in law and on the impending crisis of the concept of truthfulness in justice. Consult his personal page.

Recent publications

  • « C’est l’histoire d’une boîte aux lettres : Étude de récits normés et normatifs autours d’un procès fictif.  », dans Jacqueline Guittard, Émeric Nicolas et Cyril Sintez (dir.), Les Narrations de la Norme, Paris, Mare et Martin, to be published in september 2020.
  • «  Histoire du droit, Science politique : la fin du mythe des méthodologies distinctes ?  », dans Alexandre Frambéry-Iacobone, Victor Le Breton-Blon, et al. (dir.), La norme en sciences sociales  : regards croisés Histoire du droit – Science politique, to be published in 2020 (summer-fall).
  • «  Vérité judiciaire, vérité factuelle et élément moral : Perspectives d’histoire pénale contemporaine  », dans Kerneis Soazick (dir.), La vérité judiciaire d’hier à aujourd’hui, to be published in 2020 (fall).

Florent Garnier

University professor at Toulouse-1-Capitol University. Former student at the Ecole normale supérieure of Cachan, Florent Garnier is agrégé des facultés de droit and professor of history of law at Toulouse-1-Capitole University. His fields of study regard urban institutions and Middle Ages taxation (learned law and practice) as a member of the Comity for economic and finantial history of France as well as of the doctrine (xixthxxth century). Il est co-responsable avec Nader Hakim (université de Bordeaux), de la rubrique « Bibliography – “Ouvrages historiques ou anciens” à la Revue trimestrielle de droit civil. Consult his personal page.

Recent publications

  • O. Devaux et F. Garnier, Mémoire de la Grande Guerre. La fabrique du Livre d’or de la faculté de droit de Toulouse, Presses de l’université Toulouse-1-Capitole, 2018, 229 p.
  • « Des mémoires et des hommes », dans D. Deroussin et C. Lauranson-Rosaz (contributions réunies par), Mélanges en l’honneur du professeur Nicole Dockès, t. 2, Paris, La Mémoire du droit, 2018, p. 447-466.
  • O. Devaux et F. Garnier, Ceux de la faculté : des juristes toulousains dans la Grande Guerre, coll. « Étude d’histoire du droit et des idées politiques », n° 24, Toulouse, Presses de l’université Toulouse-1-Capitole, 2017, 572 p.
  • « Le doyen Hauriou et la création de l’école supérieure de droit de Clermont-Ferrand en 1913 », dans C. Marliac (contributions réunies par), Mélanges en l’honneur de Dominique Turpin. État du droit, état des droits, Paris, 2017, p. 395-408.

Vincent Genin

Vincent Genin has a PhD in history and is an assistant at the University of Liège. He is also visiting scholar at the Max-Planck Institüt für europäisches rechtsgeschichte of de Frankfurt. Specialised in the history of Belgium’s international relations during the Spécialisé dans l’histoire des relations internationales de la Belgique aux xixth and xxth centuries, his work focuses on the history of international law during this period, understanding this branch of law as a part of social sciences. Author of more than fifty books and articles in this field, he publishes the fruits of his thesis in 2018 in two volumes :

  • Incarner le droit international. Du mythe juridique au déclassement international de la Belgique (1914-1940), Peter Lang.
  • Le laboratoire belge du droit international. Une communauté épistémique et internationale (1869-1914), Bruxelles, Académie royale de Belgique.

This thesis is laureate of the Jean-Baptiste-Duroselle 2017 prize and of the annual competition of the Royal Academy of Belgium in 2018.

Pauline Girard

Pauline Girard is a PhD student in history of law at the Montesquieu research institute of the University of Bordeaux. Her work focuses on the history of contemporary legal thought, and more especially on the circulation of ideas. Her thesis regards the circulation of civil law between France and Argentina during the contemporary era. She also touches upon the question of women’s rights, having written a mémoire titled Féminisme et Catholicisme en droit français et argentin.

Alexandra Gottely

Alexandra Gottely est library curator, responsible for the heritage and digitization service at the Cujas library.

Some publications

  • « Guerre du droit, droit de la guerre. La faculté de droit de Paris, observatoire de l’enseignement supérieur en guerre », article rédigé avec A.-S. Chambost, Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines, n° 33 (Après 1918. Reconfigurations des savoirs en sciences humaines et sociales), to be published.
  • « Paul Viollet bibliothécaire de la faculté de droit de Paris : entre réussites et pré carré », in the online exhibition Paul Viollet (1840-1914), bibliothécaire, professeur et historien du droit : un grand savant assoiffé de justice.
  • « De la bibliothèque de l’École de droit à la bibliothèque interuniversitaire Cujas », in L’École de droit de la Sorbonne dans la Cité, IRJS, 2012.

Charles Guillorit

Charles Guillorit is a PhD student in History of law at the University of Bordeaux. Within the framework of a co-tutelage with the Charles University of Prague, he is working on a thesis regarding literary freedom in the context of the Cold War.

Jean-Louis Halpérin

Jean-Louis Halpérin, born in 1960, doctor of law (1985), agrégé in history of law (1988), professor at the Lyon III University (1988-1998), the University of Burgundy (1998-2003) and the École normale supérieure (since 2003), senior member of the Institut universitaire de France (2013-2018), director of the legal theory and analysis Center UMR 7074 (Paris-Nanterre University – ENS – CNRS) since 2015.

Some publications

  • J.-L. Halpérin (dir.), Paris, capitale juridique. 1804-1950 : étude de socio-histoire sur la faculté de droit de Paris, Rue d’Ulm, 2011
  • F. Audren et J.-L. Halpérin, La culture juridique française. Entre mythes et réalités : xixexxe siècles, CNRS, 2013.

Geoffrey Haraux

Geoffrey Haraux is digital library task officer and CollEx specialist at the common Department of documentation of the University of Lille.

Maxime Jottrand

Maxime Jottrand is a Phd student at the legal history and legal anthropology Center and the Modern & Contemporary Worlds Research Center (Université Libre of Brussels, now ULB). His doctoral thesis is about the history of legal training in Belgium from 1830 à 1914. His research focuses on the evolution of relations between law faculties and the professional world.

Vincent Laniol

Vincent Laniol is agrégé and a doctor in history. He defended a doctoral thesis in contemporary history in 2015 at Paris 1 University on the prepatory works of the 1919 Peace Conference. He is currently a teacher at Bernard Palissy de Gien highschool in Loiret. In 2012, he co-wrote, with Alexandre Sumpf, Saisies, spoliations et restitutions. Archives et bibliothèques au XXe siècle [Seizure, dispossession and restitution. Achives and libraries in the 20th century] Presses universitaires de Rennes.

Rodolphe Leroy

Curator in charge of the interdisciplinary heritage, archives and culture mission at the documentation department of the University of Burgundy.
In university and local libraries, where he worked as director of a listed library and municipal archives, research and mediation with the general public is a consistent purpose to which he tries to contribute, especially in Valorisation et médiation du patrimoine, Presses de l’Enssib, 2024 (to be published).

Nicolas Llesta Ferran

Nicolas Llesta Ferran is a Phd student in history of law at the Montesqieu Research Institute of the University of Bordeaux. His work broadly focuses on the history of contemporary legal thought and, more specifically on the history of legal doctrine at the border between the  19th and  20th centuries. His working under Nader Hakim, on a thesis on L’institutionnalisation d’un nouvel archétype humain dans le Code civil et son interprétation par la doctrine civiliste du xixe siècle [The institutionalization of a new human achetype in the French civil Code and its interpretation by the of civil-law specialist doctrine of the 19th century].


  • Solidarisme et surhomme, mémoire de Master 2 en histoire du droit et des institutions sous la direction de Nader Hakim, université de Bordeaux, 2018
  • Ernest Renan et la laïcité, mémoire de Master 1 en histoire du droit et des institutions sous la direction de Xavier Prévost, université de Bordeaux, 2017

Marc Milet

Marc Milet is a lecturer (HDR) in political science at Paris Panthéon-Assas University, member of the Cersa (CNRS – UMR 7106). He is the author of numerous works which successively focused on socio-history interactions between civic and politic commitments of jurists and then think-tnaks and the making of the law (19th21st centuries).

Recent publications in the field

  • J.-M. Blanquer et M. Milet, L’invention de l’État : Léon Duguit, Maurice Hauriou et la naissance du droit public moderne, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2017.
  • « Léon Duguit et Maurice Hauriou dans la Grande Guerre », Jus politicum, vol. 8, 2016, p. 11-31.
  • « Les publicistes français et la Communauté européenne de défense, controverse doctrinale et engagement civique », Relations internationales, n° 149, 2012, p. 101-113

Pierre Moulinier

Former student at the École des chartes, he was a curator at the Bibliothèque nationale (periodical department) before working as a study and research manager at the ministry of culture. In a personal capacity, he got attached to the history of the parisian student world during the 19th century, on which he published two books :

  • La naissance de l’étudiant moderne (xixe siècle), Paris, Belin, 2002, et
  • Les étudiants étrangers à Paris au xixe siècle, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012.

He currently works on inter-war students in France, heirs of the war, of nationalism and of the crisis.

Magali Perbost

Library curator and paleographer archivist, Magali Perbost is the assistant to the head of the directors of libraries and documentation of the University of Toulouse-1-Capitole.
She previously at thze BnF, notably among the general inventory department, as well as the ancient book department of the inter-institution documentary cooperation department of Toulouse.

Aux origines des collections patrimoniales des bibliothèques universitaires toulousaines. Toulouse 3. Toulouse, SICD, 1999 (Catalogue d’exposition).

  • Aux origines des collections patrimoniales des bibliothèques universitaires toulousaines. Toulouse 3. Toulouse, SICD, 1999 (Catalogue d’exposition).
  • « Le fonds de Villefranche-de-Rouergue à la bibliothèque universitaire de l’Arsenal (Toulouse-I-Capitole) ». Revue du Rouergue, 2000, n° 63, p. 137-162.

Guillaume Richard

A Professor in history of law at the University Paris-Descartes, Guillaume Richard is a member of the Institute of legal history (EA 2515). His work focuses on the history of contemporary legal thought and on the history of contemporary public and administrative law.


  • « Effacer la guerre ? Une comparaison entre la France, la Belgique et l’Italie à propos de l’indemnisation des dommages de guerre », dans D. Deroussin (dir.), La Grande Guerre et son droit, Paris, Lextenso – LGDJ, 2018, p. 361-378.
  • Enseigner le droit public à Paris sous la Troisième République, Paris, Dalloz, 2015.
  • « Peut-on dépasser le droit civil ? Les controverses juridiques autour de la réparation des dommages de guerre (1914-1919) », Tracés. Revue de sciences humaines, n° 27, 2014-2, p. 57-72.

Antoine Sené

Antoine Sené is a Phd student in history of law at the Montesquieu Research Institute of the University of Bordeaux. He defends a thesis entitled Dans les tranchées du droit. Les professeurs de droit et la Grande Guerre (1914-1929) in December 2018. His work focuses the history of legal thought. Author of a dissertation on the notion of state of necessity in criminal law, he also participated, along with other young researchers from Bordeaux, in the organization of a colloquium on L’histoire du droit, entre science et politique where he presented his work on Jacques Flach, a professor of comparative legislation at the Collège de France.


  • Dans les tranchées du droit. Les professeurs de droit et la Grande Guerre (1914-1929), thèse en histoire du droit sous la direction de Nader Hakim, université de Bordeaux, 2018.
  • L’éclipse juridique de l’état de nécessité à l’époque contemporaine : de l’occultation à la révélation, mémoire de Master 2 en histoire du droit et des institutions sous la direction de Nader Hakim, université de Bordeaux, 2012.
  • « Jacques Flach et la Première Guerre mondiale : l’histoire du droit au service de la nation », communication au colloque international jeunes chercheurs : L’histoire du droit, entre science et politique, 15 and 16 October 2015, Bordeaux, article to be published.

Fred Stevens

Fred Stevens is a jurist and historian. He is a professor emeritus at the faculty of law at the KU Leuven. His research focuses mainly on notarial history, the influence of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution on the law, the history of justice in the 19th and 20th centuries, as well as the regional history of the Campine.

Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde

Sebastiaan Vandenbogaerde is a jurist and historian. A professor at the faculties of law of the Universities of Antwerp and Ghent, he is in charge of courses on the history of public law. Since October 2022, he is a lawyer at the Oudenaarde (Eastern Flander) Bar. His research focuses on the impact of the World Wars on national and international law, as well as on intellectual history of colonial law and history.

Karine Viacroze

Karine Viacroze is a Phd student in history of law at the University of Bordeaux. Her research is about medical desertification in the 19th century. She focuses on physicians, which have disappeared today. The law of 19 Ventôse year XI creates new medical practitioners commissioned to spread the science of medicine in villages and rural areas.