« Avis à émettre sur le projet de substitution du système de notation en chiffres au système de notation par boules », Registres de délibérations de l'assemblée de la faculté de droit de Toulouse, séance du 25 avril 1912 (suite 2).
Source: Archives of Toulouse 1-Capitole University, Heritage registers, 2Z2-16 (1908-1924), p. 124-127.
Translation : "[…] It is true that in the totalization, the nuances of each ball disappear in that they do not appear in the result: there appear only pure and simple balls, but everyone knows that these pure and simple balls of the result are obtained in the deliberation of the jury by the compensation of the nuances; a good white red and a bad red make two reds; thus, the nuances have nevertheless their effectiveness.
Now, and this is the point on which it is advisable to insist, in the scale of numbers, there are also nuances, but they do not constitute, as in the system of the balls, a group organized around the pure and simple note and they do not play with the same safety.
Let's take, in the previous table, the shades corresponding to the mention "passable", either in the ball system or in the number system and compare them.
In the system of balls, the pure and simple passable is symbolized by the red ball, but, by comparison with the pure and simple red, two nuances are established which are the good red and the bad red; these two nuances are easy to establish either by their comparison with the pure and simple, or by their opposition between them; In the system of numbers, from zero to 15, a group of three numbers corresponds to the mention "fair", these are numbers 7, 8, 9, but this group is not organized, there is no center. There is no indication that 8 corresponds to the pure and simple mention "passable" and that 7 and 9 are only strong or weak nuances of it. The result is a greater degree of uncertainty in the marking, because there is nothing to say that an examiner will not take as a correspondence to passable 7, another 8, another 9, etc..
Our table of concordance of the shaded balls with the numbers from 1 to 15 reduces to a question of words the question of the substitution of numbers for balls, which shows how sterile the proposed change is at bottom, how idle the discussion is. And by realizing this, we return in favor of tradition an argument which one pretends to direct against it. Our system is archaic: but, because of this very fact, we are used to it, we know it, it is an instrument that we handle with ease and safety, which it is therefore advantageous to keep rather than to have recourse to a new instrument, it being proven that this new instrument does not present a certain superiority over the one that we have shaped and perfected in practice.
Following this reading and after an exchange of comments, the faculty voted 13-2 to retain ball grading..
III. Opinion to be given on the addition of a written test to the three Bachelor's degree exams
The Dean read the following ministerial dispatch dated March 28, 1912:
'I was delivered the following wish:
That written compositions be organized in the three law degree examinations, it being understood that the written test will be strictly eliminatory and that the candidate will not be allowed to take either part of the oral examination. […]"